Crown Jewels Club

The Amethyst Collection Club Notes

Looking for inspiration? Many of the designs were created at the request of quilters just like you. Club notes gives you ideas on how to use some of these patterns. While all the Crown Jewels Club patterns are brand new, many of them work very nicely with older patterns. You may see quilting layouts which include some of those older patterns. You may already have some of those patterns. If you don't have then, but want them, remember that as a Club Member, you get a 20% discount!

The Amethyst Collection was completed in March 2010 with the Amethyst Queen.

Entire Amethyst Collection - Alphabetical Pattern Order


Amethyst Queen:

Amethyst Contessa:

Amethyst Empress:

Amethyst Baron:

Amethyst Duke:

Amethyst Earl:

Amethyst Lord:

Amethyst Marquess:

Amethyst Princess:

Amethyst King: